Answers to Your Common Home Infusion Questions

Author: HPS Clinical Pharmacist Common Home Infusion Questions

Many people don’t think about home infusion therapy until it becomes personal. When you or a loved one is prescribed a medication therapy to be administered via infusion, it’s normal to have a lot of questions. The clinical pharmacists at Hy-Vee Pharmacy Solution (HPS) are familiar with the infusion therapy process and are here to answer your common home infusion questions.

Who Administers Home Infusion Therapy?

In most cases, you or a caregiver will be responsible for administering your home infusion therapy. Your doctor and an HPS pharmacist will provide detailed instructions of when and how to take your medication. An experienced home health nurse will come to your home and walk you through the entire process, step by step. It’s helpful to have a caregiver also learn how to administer your infusion medication. Be sure to take notes and ask questions during your training. If you need blood work or additional tests, your home health agency can help coordinate those with your doctor. If you have questions or concerns about your medication therapy, you can always contact the clinical experts at HPS.

What If I Don’t Know How to Administer Home Infusion Therapy?

You do not need medical experience to successfully manage your home infusion treatments. Your doctor, HPS and experienced home health nurses will provide the training and tools you need to safely and effectively administer home infusion therapy. With proper training, you will learn how to manage your infusion therapy from the comforts of home. Even though you are not in a hospital setting, clinical experts are available 24 hours, 7 days a week to guide you through the entire infusion process.

If you live in a remote area, HPS partners with over 30 home health agencies to make sure you have access to reliable clinical support. If needles make you nervous, HPS provides the support to help you overcome your fears. Talk to your HPS infusion pharmacist about all your home infusion therapy concerns. Together, we will find a solution to ensure you get the medicine you need.

Is it Safe to Administer Infusion Medications at Home?

Home infusion therapy is a safe alternative to receiving infusion medications in a hospital setting. In some cases, infusions can take hours at a time. Many people prefer to receive their medication from the convenience and comfort of home. Research suggests home infusion therapy may be safer for some patients than receiving infusion therapy in a hospital. In a hospital, you may be exposed to germs and other bacteria that you would not come in contact with at home. By avoiding the potentially harmful bacteria in a hosptial, you are reducing your chance of getting an infection.

Your healthcare team will instruct you on the proper infusion procedure to make sure everything is clean and sanitary. In general, if you wash your hands thoroughly, set up a clean infusion area and follow all the instructions provided by HPS and your healthcare team, you will be able to safely administer your infusion medications at home.

What If Something Goes Wrong During My Home Infusion Therapy?

Home infusion therapy is a safe, effective way to receive the medication you need to manage a variety of complex conditions. Many people learn to manage treatment well from the comforts of home without any problems. Your doctor will provide a detailed explanation of what to expect during your infusion therapy and how to tell if something is going wrong. If you ever have concerns before, during or after your infusion therapy, you can always call your doctor, your HPS pharmacist or HPS home health partner. In the event of a medical emergency, call 911.

Is there a Difference Between Infusion Therapy at Home and Infusion Therapy at a Clinic?

When people think of IV lines and infusions, they often think of a hospital setting. Many infusion medications can be administered at a hospital, a physician’s office, an infusion clinic or from home. Your doctor will help you decide which option will be the best location for you to receive infusion therapy.

Does Home Infusion Therapy Save Me Money?

The cost of home infusion depends on your specific medication therapy, your insurance policy and many other factors. Where you receive your infusion medication can have a significant impact on the cost of your treatment. Many people do save money by managing their infusion therapy from home. One way infusion therapy saves money is by reducing hospital readmissions, which ultimately saves you money.

Home Infusion Therapy with Hy-Vee Pharmacy Solutions

Hy-Vee Pharmacy Solutions (HPS) provides the knowledge and support you need to successfully manage your home infusion therapy. If you have questions or concerns about your treatment, our experienced clinical experts are always available. With HPS, you can successfully manage your home infusion therapy and live easier, healthier and happier.